Our recruiters are frequently asked: “What am I doing wrong? I have applied for multiple jobs and haven’t gotten any responses.” When it comes to successful job applications, our team of specialised consultants have a combined wealth of knowledge that continues to benefit our candidates every day. Here, they share their own advice on improving your most valuable document when reaching out to a recruiter: the CV.
Below is a list of Do's and Don'ts when it comes to your CV. These tips are designed to boost your chances of getting called by a recruiter, and may even help land your next dream job:
Remember that the CV is just one part of the overall hiring process. These tips can help you get noticed but ensure you have also brushed up on your interview skills in the meantime. Preparation is key and going to the effort of improving your CV will seem wasted if you don’t prepare to capitalise on its success! Research the companies you want to work for, meet with your recruiter to gain invaluable employer insights and a solid grounding of what to expect in an interview. Find out more about the company culture and values, the benefits, salary range and more.
If you haven’t already, reach out to one our recruiters today to discuss your job goals and to get even more helpful advice in person.
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